Easy. Pretty. Clean.
If I had to sum up my goal for the things I allow into my family’s daily routine, that would be it. And although that sounds simple, with all the things in our current world that CLAIM to be all three of those things, it can be overwhelming to carry it out and clean things up.
One single brand has made it easy for me, and I’m hoping it will for you, too. But before we get into these awesome products, we’ve gotta address the chair behind — which is…

You’ve cleaned up a lot in your family and home care routines.
So, what about your routine?
Cue the #buttclench moment, right? Woah. Cringe. What do you MEAN my routine, Brooke?
If you’re here, I can guess some stuff about you -
You’ve probably swapped oils for candles so your pumpkin spice affinity doesn’t singe your family with carcinogens.
You’ve most likely switched out some foods from your weekly rotation and opted for fewer ingredients that you can actually say out loud.
Maybe you’ve even gone so far as feeding a sourdough starter like that gigapet you had in 1st grade.
But those things you’ve gone ALL-IN to switch and swap on your “clean it up” journey had almost everything to do with everyone but you.
Meanwhile, you’re still washing your face with that cleanser you’ve used since high school, not sure why you don’t feel confident, glowy, or quite like yourself anymore.
No judgment here. I was exactly where you are just 4 years ago.

You know that moment when everything shatters around you?
Okay, maybe it wasn’t that dramatic, but when my brand new foundation shattered on my tile floor back in 2018 my clean beauty journey OFFICIALLY commenced.
If we haven’t quite met yet: I’m Brooke.
One of my goals in life is to leave everything just a little bit better than how I found it. You may know me as the better half (ha, kidding T.J.!) of walk in love., the company I run with my husband where we create apparel and tools to help you live a more joy-filled life.
You’ll find me living a dream life I never really let myself have until a few years ago: on Maui, a mom who gets to homeschool her 3 girls and go shelling in the afternoon.
The only thing that really qualifies as a hobby for me is dreaming about new business ideas and listening to business podcasts that fuel my fire even more!
And while my “make things better” desire has been something that God’s refined in my over time, I’ve also learned to see this as one of my biggest strengths.
I’ve focused for years on elevating everything I can for the people around me — it’s the way I really show love.
But somewhere along my “bettering and making things a smidge more beautiful journey”, I kind of forgot to consider myself in the mix.
It was after my Target foundation shattered on the floor that I went back again to re-buy it. I happened to look at the box that day, and saw the HORRIBLE ingredients I’d been slathering on my face for years.
I didn’t know much about those ingredients, but I knew enough to recognize the parabens, fragrance, formaldehyde (!!!) and other hormone disruptors on the ingredients list. I thought, “Maybe I should take this as my chance to better this part of my routine?”
I put the foundation back on the shelf and left. But now I needed to find something fast.

Mind you, I was NOT a skincare or makeup gal. I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t even have a skincare routine to speak of —
I only sometimes washed my face with more than just, uh water?

I texted a few friends to ask what they were loving, and time and again, Beautycounter came up. I’d never tried it, barely even heard of them.
It only took a few conversations with a friend and a quick browse of their website to find out they were exactly what I wanted, and even more.
I immediately knew I wanted to use the products and be a part of the company.

That was April 2019, and since then I’ve helped thousands of women start, switch, or continue their journey toward cleaner, safer (really fun to use) products.

And it was all because I didn’t let that why-haven’t-I-already-figured-this-out feeling stop me from moving toward more of what I wanted my days and rhythms to look like.
And I’m guessing maybe you’ve felt that in one way or another. Embarrassed, silly, even annoyed?
It might be about not knowing what order skincare things go in, or wishing your mom would’ve taught you how to do makeup that’s flattering.
How about we no longer allow that feeling to stop you from doing what will make you feel more joyful, taken care of, and dripping with value like you already are on a daily basis.

What’s on Brooke’s (beauty) counter right now?
Brighter, glowing skin? Yes please!
Talc free shades that flatter everyone.
A moisturizer that works like filler, but looks like skincare.

Friend - you are worth this switch.
Some people may spend their time addressing the whole “does clean beauty even work?” question,(which, it totally does btw) but I don’t think that’s the real reason you haven’t already made this switch for yourself.
I think it’s that you’re not sure you’re worth the time, money, and change required to get a different result.
Sure, your family is worth it, but isn’t putting that into yourself just SELFISH? Is it selfish to put money and effort into your outer appearance?
Well, with Beautycounter, that’s actually not all you’re taking care of.
I’ve seen women make this switch and start to light up inside again — myself included. Not because the products are magical, but because they help us remember that we matter, too.
I believe God has a joy-filled life in store for us, and I think that abundance can be found and felt through things as simple as how we wash our faces and put on a smidge of mascara some days.
He’s over all of it — if we’re willing to pay attention.
Do you believe you’re worth bettering your daily habits and rhythms through intentionally choosing the products you use? Because I believe it.

What if you could just decide once?
When people start the talk of “lifestyle change” it can start to feel a little like you need to back away slowly so they don’t notice you running away. Right? I mean, changing EVERYTHING all at once sounds like a lot.
Instead of thinking about changing everything all at once, I personally like to move forward as intentionally as possible, so I only have to DECIDE ONCE.
I first heard about this concept of “deciding once” on a podcast and I’ve used it in every area of my life that I can ever since. Because it’s so much easier and more efficient to decide something once rather than deciding over and over.
Here’s a visual for you:
If I decide once that I want to transition to cleaner beauty and that Beautycounter is a company I trust, then I don’t really have to decide which clean beauty I’ll choose again. All of my actions after that decision are simply carrying out and executing on that ONE decision I made at the start.
And truly, when I started swapping my products with Beautycounter, I decided once to align with this amazing company. From there, I just took things one at a time.
It saved me time because I didn’t have to mull over products or companies or labels or missions or spend time returning.
It saved me money because I didn’t have to try products from a ton of different places just to be disappointed and back at square one.
It saved me sanity because I knew I was walking my talk in front of my family, friends, and for myself in bettering what we buy.

So, what if you could decide once? It might take trying the products — which is free if you request samples from me! It might take a bit of chatting with me. But I promise if you walk into this decision with intention, deciding once will save you more than those cheaper products ever made you think you were saving before.
I want to help you decide you can rather than just knowing you should.
This is truly my mission.

I know just how defeating it can feel when you know you SHOULD make something better, but you’re just not sure where to start. That’s why I am always so happy to voice message, gal-to-gal, and help you figure out exactly what’s right for your season of life. What would bring you more joy? What would help you feel confident? What would give you more peace of mind?
And maybe — just maybe — it would help you show up as more than someone else’s mom, but like you’re FULLY YOURSELF AGAIN.

Need help deciding once?
These were the boxes Beautycounter checked for me, and I know they will for you, too.
Beautycounter products are easy to understand and easy to use. (Bonus, they’re easy on the planet too!)
Everything Beautycounter makes is seriously pretty - both on you, and sitting on your open shelving.
Probably most important, everything is made of ingredients you don’t have to worry about.
Will you love it?
Welp, we won’t know until Beautycounter is on your counter.

The Brand Advocate Thing?
Not as weird as you think it is.
Okay, listen. Friend to friend? I genuinely think you’d enjoy being a brand advocate.
A brand advocate is what Beautycounter calls people like me who use the product, share about it, and make money while they help people find what works for them.
Here’s the thing, I’m not gonna ignore the elephant in the room.
Everyone loves to hate direct sales companies. But trust me, it’s much less MLM-y than those other “business opportunities” and much more like an affiliate link that you don’t need a million followers to make a killer commission off of.
Beautycounter Brand Advocacy
Low risk + high reward
Quality products that perform
Affiliate link with legit kickback
Whatever you want it to be
An all-in commitment thing
Influencer-induced hype
Pennies on the $$
Quota-fueled hustle
It’s only $50 to become a Brand Advocate, and that unlocks 25% savings on your own products. The best part? It also unlocks 25% commissions on what you sell (with the ability to bonus all the way up to 35% commissions).
Need the kindergarten equation? (Yep, me too.)
You sell $100 worth of product, a minimum of $25 is going into your pocket. Crush it every month like the rockstar you know you are; that’s up to $35 in your pocket from that same $100 purchase.
Does this sound like it would bring you joy?
Consistently using products that give you inside + out confidence
Getting paid to share genuinely about those products
Fun $$$ and more from what you’d share with besties anyway
It certainly brings me more joy than I thought it would and brings my family more than we even knew to pray for when it came to some silly, clean makeup.
Wanna join me?
You can always message me if you have any questions, or you can get all the Brand Advocate details below!
XO, Brooke

Is this running through your head?
Is this running through your head?
“Brooke, shouldn’t I have this figured out already?
I get it. As women, there’s this weird, unspoken idea that we’re supposed to INHERENTLY hold all of this womanly knowledge.
Like how to keep stainless steel clean.
Or how not to fold a fitted sheet like a MANIAC.
Or how to reheat leftovers so they still taste good.
Or even how to take care of your skin and put on makeup without making things worse as you try to look like yourself.
But wanna know something? We don’t know it until we learn.
I know I didn’t. It’s been a lifelong, and really motherhood-long journey of me being willing to dive in and apply in small ways.
You’re not supposed to know what’s right for your skin type or what order to apply your products in.
That’s LITERALLY why I’m here.
And that’s also why I prioritize the motto of personalized simplicity.
Simple and applicable for you may look different than it does for me, so my hope is to talk to you personally so we can figure out the version of simple that will help you care for yourself just a litttttle bit better today and the next.

You’re never alone here!
Women just like you had these questions, too.
You’re SO right, and that’s exactly why I’m a huge fan of Beautycounter. They are literally the creators of clean and have been leading the way for over a decade. Which means that since they offer such a wide range of products, it’s really helped me apply my “decide once” philosophy to everything from skincare to makeup to body care, and even some of my kids’ and TJ’s products.
Beautycounter also has a great reputation for EFFECTIVE clean products, so you won’t have to try every single thing wondering whether or not it’ll be any good. My personal rule is, if Beautycounter has it, I’ll try it at least once. Then I get to decide if I like it and wanna keep using it. Feel free to steal that method if it helps you!
This question is totally valid. I’ve been in the boat where I switched to something cleaner out of good intentions, but then the dang products didn’t perform or give me the results I wanted. Have you been there? Then we’re left feeling like it wasn’t worth the money, and we’re back where we started. Thankfully, I haven’t had this feeling with Beautycounter products. I can pretty much know with certainty that a product I want will work for me if it’s Beautycounter, and I’ve got tons of customers and girlfriends who would say the same. Remember, Easy PRETTY Clean. We don’t sacrifice function or aesthetics for principles for the sake of ‘em over here.
Just reach out to me and we can chat through what you’re hoping for when it comes to skincare, makeup, or body care. I love to help new friends find 1 or 2 steps that feel manageable and exciting to start with — small steps are always the most sustainable. And when you reach out, just know there are no dumb questions and I truly love helping other women figure this stuff out in a way that makes sense for their life season.
Does it take longer to do a full skincare routine than it does to wash your face with water in the shower? Well, sure. But if you want better, you’ve gotta do better. So if you want your skin to feel and look better, it’s necessary to change some habits. But trust me when I say we’ll start small, and it’s the kind of habit you won’t wanna miss because it feels so stinking good. Plus, you’ll be surprised how you start to show up as yourself just a little bit more when you prioritize taking care of YOU.
I know Beautycounter products aren’t the least expensive out there, but they are pretty on par for mid-to-high level skincare, makeup, and body care. Here’s the thing, though. When I apply that “decide once” idea? Shopping with Beautycounter actually saves me money. I’m spending less money trying products that may or may not work, and for SURE less time mulling over what my next right step is. I also like to come back to the idea that we don’t really bat an eye when we choose to spend a little more to get something higher-quality or healthier for our kiddos or for our home. Applying that same mindset to your own care will really elevate your daily life and rhythms.
I think if you’re here, you know they do. You’ve most likely already swapped some things in an effort to “clean things up” for your family. So the question is, why don’t you think your health is important enough? If it’s the logic that you’ve already used these products for so long, you’re already ruined… well we both know that nothing’s ever too far gone to be redeemed and brought back. It’s never too late to start, and I really believe you KNOW this is important, you may just be afraid of what it takes to do it. Whether it’s the cost, the time, or even just believing it’ll work for YOU, I’m here to help guide you along the way. My friends and customers have seen their hormones start to balance, experienced clear skin for the first time in A LONG TIME, and have more confidence in how they feel and look. Isn’t that what you want!

No pressure, just BETTER
I know everyone’s like, “What’ve you got to lose?!”
And as the queen of saying, “Ummm, I actually have everything to lose because it physically pains me to choose wrong 😂,” trust me when I say I’m here to help you figure out if this could help you move toward more joy in your life.
And whether Beautycounter is for you or not, it’s my privilege to help you navigate the decision.
You can always message me to chat or simply click below to get free samples and experience it yourself.